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Yoonjin Chung

AI Researcher, Gaudio Lab.

Seoul, Korea


Short Bio

I am Yoonjin Chung who is an AI researcher at Gaduio Lab. Previously, I obtained an M.S. degree in the Graduate School of AI from KAIST in 2023, advised by Prof. Juhan Nam. My research interest is usually in a multimodal general audio generation, music auto-tagging/retrieval and sparsity of large models.


  • T-FOLEY: A Controllable Waveform-Domain Diffusion Model for Temporal-Event-Guided Foley Sound Synthesis, IEEE ICASSP 2024 [Paper][Demo] [Code]
  • YM2413-MDB: A Multi-Instrumental FM Video Game Music Dataset with Emotion Annotations, ISMIR 2022 [Paper] [Demo]
  • A Comparison of Melody Interpolation Performed by Human and Artificial Intelligence Based on Human Similarity Judgments, 2023 International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition [Paper]

Research Experience


  • iOS Developer, Naver
  • B.S in Computer Science, Korea University
  • Undergraduate Research Intern, Operating System Lab in Korea Univ.
  • Web Developer & Designer, Pop in Bridge